Successful Domino V- Series I-tech Thermal Transfer Printer Work shop held in MAY 2015

Location: Insepra Limited, Frederick Settlement Ind. Est. Caroni Trinidad.
Derek Lawrence, Managing Director, Insepra Limited.
Guest Speaker:
Mr. Neil Cook, Product Marketing Manager, Domino, Bar Hill Cambridge, UK.

The Smart Coding Solution

  • For flexible film and labels.

  • Easy Integration and Installation.

  • Delivers the performance and coding you expect.

Industry-leading speeds, versatile and cost effective.

The V-Series helps lower your production costs due to Domino’s i-Tech ribbon control mechanisms, QuickStep software, and compressed air-free operation. While the inbuilt intelligence allows you to choose the User Interface that matches your requirements.

(Left Image) Plant Operation Manager: Vishnu Bedashi, Charles Chocolates - Associated Brands Ltd, Trinidad)

(Right Image) Allan Gooding, Plant Engineer, Ansa Coatings (Penta), Trinidad, with Derek Lawrence MD. Insepra and Neil Cook of Domino UK

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Ax Series Invitation