Successful Domino V- Series I-tech Thermal Transfer Printer Work shop held in MAY 2015
Location: Insepra Limited, Frederick Settlement Ind. Est. Caroni Trinidad.
Presenter: Derek Lawrence, Managing Director, Insepra Limited.
Guest Speaker: Mr. Neil Cook, Product Marketing Manager, Domino, Bar Hill Cambridge, UK.
The Smart Coding Solution
For flexible film and labels.
Easy Integration and Installation.
Delivers the performance and coding you expect.
Industry-leading speeds, versatile and cost effective.
The V-Series helps lower your production costs due to Domino’s i-Tech ribbon control mechanisms, QuickStep software, and compressed air-free operation. While the inbuilt intelligence allows you to choose the User Interface that matches your requirements.
(Left Image) Plant Operation Manager: Vishnu Bedashi, Charles Chocolates - Associated Brands Ltd, Trinidad)
(Right Image) Allan Gooding, Plant Engineer, Ansa Coatings (Penta), Trinidad, with Derek Lawrence MD. Insepra and Neil Cook of Domino UK